・❥・ What's my blacklist?・❥・

Being on my blacklist means you either did something direspectful to me, someone I know, or just in general. When commissioning me, you automatically agree to follow the rules of my blacklist, and if you don't you yourself will probably end up on it.Blacklisted people may not attempt to commission me or purchase any designs off of me, and I have a preference if they would refrain from using any art they may have purchased from me prior to being blacklisted, or found made by me, though I do not currently have a way to legally stop them from doing so. I also have a strong preference that no one sells any character designs I have created to anyone on my blacklist.Major TW: SA, Pedo/Zoophila, Grooming, Suicide/SH baiting, Zionism, Racism, Doxxing, Abuse, Proshipping, Victim blaming, Stalking, CP

・❥・ Blacklist ・❥・


NOTICE: This person came up with my old username, hence my rebrand from Honeynuke. and I want nothing to do with them.Reasons: Zionism, Blackmailing/Doxxing, SA, Pedophila, Zoophila, Proshipping, Suicide baiting, Self harm baiting-At one point they went off on a very anti-Palestine rant, generally consisting of the fact that they don't care because it has been happening for so long-Sexually abused others; Constantly guilted others into sexual acts, and would commonly publicly touch themselves without asking for consent to do so from anyone around them.-Would constantly act sexual and otherwise inappropriate even when minors were present in chats and VCs-Insists that Littles and those with Mental deficiencies that cause them to have the mental state of children can consent to sexual relations [They cannot, if someone has the mentality of a child they ARE a child]-Encourages the use of sexual interactions with animal alters and Littles as a way to "help heal pedophiles and zoophiles"-Lives with an open "anti-contact" zoophile [Anti-contact means they haven't yet touched an animal in a sexual manner, just that they fantasize about it. That is still disgusting.]; Also cheated on all of their partners with this roommate over the course of at least a year if not longer-Openly Proship [The reasoning they gave me directly was "Things are different in the west and no one outside of America cares"]; States that drawing CP or Zoophilic art is an appropriate way to cope. Fantasizing about someone else being abused, fictional character or not, is doing further damage by normalizing the concept.-Would withhold attention/affection from partners, but then totally flip out when not getting what they deemed as enough attention to the point of saying they would kill themselves-Would encourage others to harm themselves in VCs WHILE IN the VC; at some point this escalated into them attempting to get a close friend of mine to kill themselves, while a 6 year old child was in the room

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Reasons: Grooming, Pedophilia, Refusal to take accountability for their actions-Groomed one of my friends-Continues to become close 'friends' with minors as young as 11 despite being 23.

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8_8it/Malicious Paws

NOTICE: Not all of this I will be getting into as it's extremely personal, and not all of it is my story to tell; more specifically the last point as that didn't happen to me but my QPP.Reasons: Physical abuse, Inflicting mental and emotional distress, Using disabilities as an excuse to manipulate and use people for money, Fake claiming, Victim blaming-Would constantly punch, slap, and otherwise physically assault me and others-Begging for money and free things, the reason being that they are autistic and deserve to do it-Told me I was faking mental illnesses, with the proof being they are planning on going into psychology in the future.-Actively blamed a SA victim for their own SA, despite the person they blamed for it being a victim in the exact same assault.

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BirdBrain/NES System

Reasons: Cyber Stalking, Harassment-Cyber stalking

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Volksmusik/Bone Daddy/Lloyed

NOTICE: While working on a commission for another lovely individual, I was informed about this user's problematic behavior and have since decided to add him to my blacklist. It's not my story to share, nor do I have all the details, so I won't be giving any usernames of who reported this to meReasons: Racism, Grooming, Defamation, Trolling, Attempting to bypass my blacklist-Use of/calling others racial slurs-Reportedly groomed 2 minors-Claiming I scammed him by not refunding him (I did refund him despite my TOS saying I don't do refunds once the drawing is fully complete)-Andrew Tate fan-Attempting to violate my blacklist by commissioning me under a different name, then called me "ill" and "a bum" and told me to "get a real job" after I refunded him fully and told him he isn't allowed to use my artwork due to being blacklisted

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Reasons: Association-Was linked in Volksmusik's bio as if they were in a relationship as well as linking back to him in return, therefore blacklisted due to association

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NOTICE: We started an art trade back in July 2023, and while it did take me up to August 13th to finish my side of the trade, I did my best to keep them updated and was offering bonus drawings for nothing extra in returnReasons: Ghosting-Ghosted me for 4 months over an art trade, even after moving to discord for easier communication and them being openly online on many occasions. I wouldn't have been upset if they had at least given me an update or even saying "Hey, I don't feel like finishing this trade, I'm sorry," instead of ghosting me completely. Even if they had decided to cancel the trade, if they had just SAID something to me about it, I would have let them use the art I made regardless

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NOTICE: I did an art trade with this user once in the past, this was prior to finding out any of this and I have since made sure they are fully aware I am disgusted with them over thisReasons: Proshipping, creation of CP-Openly Proship-Commonly creates CP of Skid and Pump from Spooky month, and Henry from Horrid Henry, and encourages others to do so as well.

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Need to get back to a different carrd?